
Marylise Mirabelli
Marylise Mirabelli is a perfume brand founded in 2021.
It is defined by "Minimalist Chic" with its motto : "There is no need to overdo it. The important thing is in the container” — and "Musical Inspiration" from the founder's favorite artist. Three elegant, deep, and singular olfactory universes inspired by three iconic songs. All these fragrances are perfume extracts, formulated with organic wheat alcohol. An eco-friendly development, production in small series, made in France. Vegan and not tested on animals.

Because our bodies and their needs change with the seasons. But the water we drink remains the same all year round. Because we tend to personalise everything but the essentials. We have decided to boost our everyday water to make it intelligent. At UNIQUE, we have developed natural + functional hydration cures. To drink every day, all year round. With us, you drink more + that's good. But above all, you drink better. So, are you ready to make water your best ally for well-being?

<tc>L'Officine Botanique</tc>
The Officine Botanique is first and foremost a true declaration of love for wild plants. By hand, with precise gestures, we pick our buds and our plants which grow in the heart of the French flora. The bud alone brings together all the properties of the plant: from the root to the flowers through the bark. Our buds and plants are macerated directly on our picking areas. Following a long process, our essences are shaped in a mixture of spring water, alcohol and agave syrup in order to be perfectly assimilable.

<tc>Barbarie Compagnie</tc>
Sacha, der Gründer von Barbarie Compagnie, beschloss, nach Tunesien zu gehen, um die Geheimnisse des Kaktusfeigenkernöls zu entdecken.
Seine hohe Konzentration an Vitamin E und Sterolen macht es zum wertvollsten Öl der Welt.
Ein effektiver Verbündeter im Kampf gegen schlaffe Haut.
Inspiriert von alten Botanikern besteht die Flasche vollständig aus Glas

Natural. Urban. Holistic. Multi-functional Hair Care for the Soul. COELHO BEAUTY is the new generation of modern, multi-functional holistic hair care with ethical and sustainable values for scalp, hair, face and body. Soft and unique formulas that recharge the spirit while fighting against the effects of the environment but also of stress. A perfect harmony between efficiency, sensoriality, ethics and aesthetics, guided by quality, versatility and thoughtful design. A contemporary alchemy in full synergy. A perfect balance between artistic expression and functionality.

Thelma Paris
Thelma Paris was born in May 2021 at the end of the lockdown with the ambition to offer to people a "space to themselves". Thelma Paris incense sticks are made in Japan. This country has a high know-how in terms of incense from ancient times. Japanese craftsmen produce the smokeless incense sticks. The sticks are made with highly qualitative ingredients that are collected in respect with their environment.
3 Colors — 3 Fragrances — A space of your own

versatile is born from the will to make the institutional bold. versatile, literally, refers to a person who often changes its mind. That word says a lot since we are presenting to you, as an alternative brand to what you already know. Fragrances that smell good. Coralie, proud mama behind Versatile. After graduating in 2019 from « École Supérieure du Parfum » in Paris, she did ten professional experiences in the industry.
CAPTURE olfactory moments of life: everyday smells, inspired by the (real) everyday life. Our motto? Less is more, less but better.

Founded in 2020, LuneNoire's mission is to elevate everyday rituals by creating experiences dedicated to well-being and letting go, with design, eco-responsibility and French know-how at the heart of its approach. It brings together a team of passionate creatives who nurture a "made in France" brand with international ambitions to seduce lovers of unforgettable experiences in search of quality and who seek to improve their well-being on a daily basis and naturally. Wellness, relaxation, leisure: By shaping irresistible rituals where practical functionality meets bold design, we radically transform the "before, during and after" of their daily and favourite rituals.

<transcy>Maison ITANY</transcy>
Maison ITANY is a tea house founded in Paris in 2020 where we offer a range of products made of original teas, aromatic blends and rare teas. Our ingredients are organically grown and selected with as much care as requirement, in order to satisfy a perfect blend. Each blend follows the creation and elaboration process developed by our company. It will be the expression of the creativity and know-how of our sommelier who will support her work with olfactory and gustatory memories marking a goldsmith creation.

<transcy>MARIE JEANNE</transcy>
Born in Grasse, Georges Maubert has been immersed in the world of perfume since his childhood. Sensitized to the treatment of flowers up to the composition of scents, he works in close collaboration with worldrenowned perfumers. He is the fifth generation of the company Robertet, world leader in natural raw materials. Since 1850, his family has worked in the perfume industry, farmers, chemists, perfumers, sourcing experts. This ancestral knowledge is mastered and developed to offer you the most beautiful fragrances.

Wir sind Teil eines ganzheitlichen Schönheitsansatzes, der eine avantgardistische Marke und Produkte entwickelt, ohne Kompromisse zwischen Effizienz und Natürlichkeit einzugehen. So wurde Evoleum geboren, mit dem starken Versprechen, das Beste aus der Natur in einer Vitrine zu verpacken. Eine innovative Marke, die auf der Auswahl natürlicher Inhaltsstoffe basiert, deren Kraft durch das Glas erhalten und durch Wirkstoffe mit nachgewiesener Wirksamkeit verzehnfacht wird. Gegründet von Kareen + Thierry de Beaurepaire.

Gûrhu ist eine französische Marke für Naturheilmittel, deren Philosophie auf einer ganzheitlichen Vision von Wohlbefinden und dem Wunsch basiert, zu pflegen statt zu heilen. Inspiriert von den traditionellen Präparaten der Kräuterkundigen und verschiedenen Heilmitteln der Vorfahren, werden unsere Nahrungsergänzungsmittel aus rohen Pflanzen hergestellt, um den Zugang zu Pflanzen und die Schaffung individueller täglicher Wohlfühlrituale zu erleichtern. Gegründet von Agathe Fournioux.

Die gesamte Philosophie von COMBEAU© basiert auf der perfekten Kombination erlesener hochwertiger Inhaltsstoffe, um die Aufnahme durch den Organismus zu verbessern und schließlich echte Ergebnisse zu zeigen, die nach außen sichtbar und innen spürbar sind. Wir werden in Frankreich hergestellt, unsere Zutaten stammen aus verantwortungsvollen Quellen. Das erste multiaktive Konzentrat, das die Ursache des Problems angreift, um die wesentlichen Funktionen des Körpers zu stimulieren. Gegründet von Erika Fogeiro.

L'infuseur wurde von Céline Ruffet gegründet und ist ein Familienunternehmen mit einer gesamten französischen Produktionskette. Ein verantwortungsvolles Unternehmen, dessen Qualität durch eine Auswahl der erlesenen Rohstoffe bestimmt wird, Tüten aus Maisstärke und ohne Kleber in schönen recycelbaren Kartons.